World ClockΒΆ

"""Demonstrating the basic capabilities of flowpipe.

A graph implementation of a world clock for demonstrational purposes:

+------------------+          +---------------------+          +----------------------+
|   CurrentTime    |          |       London        |          |      WorldClock      |
|------------------|          |---------------------|          |----------------------|
|             time o-----+--->o time<>              |          % times                |
+------------------+     |    o timezone<0>         |     +--->o  times.London<>      |
                         |    |      converted_time o-----+--->o  times.Munich<>      |
                         |    +---------------------+     +--->o  times.Vancouver<>   |
                         |    +---------------------+     |    +----------------------+
                         |    |       Munich        |     |
                         |    |---------------------|     |
                         |--->o time<>              |     |
                         |    o timezone<1>         |     |
                         |    |      converted_time o-----|
                         |    +---------------------+     |
                         |    +---------------------+     |
                         |    |      Vancouver      |     |
                         |    |---------------------|     |
                         +--->o time<>              |     |
                              o timezone<-8>        |     |
                              |      converted_time o-----+
from datetime import datetime
from time import time

from flowpipe import Graph, INode, InputPlug, Node, OutputPlug

def CurrentTime():
    """The @Node decorator turns the wrapped function into a Node object.

    Any arguments to the function are used as input plugs to the Node.
    The outputs are defined in the decorator explicitely.
    return {"time": time()}

class ConvertTime(INode):
    """A node can be derived from the INode interface.

    The plugs are defined in the init method.
    The compute method received the inputs from any connected upstream nodes.

    def __init__(self, time=None, timezone=0, **kwargs):
        super(ConvertTime, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        InputPlug("time", self)
        InputPlug("timezone", self, timezone)
        OutputPlug("converted_time", self)

    def compute(self, time, timezone):
        return {"converted_time": time + timezone * 60 * 60}

def ShowTimes(times):
    """Nodes do not necessarily have to define output and input plugs."""
    print("-- World Clock -------------------")
    for location, t in times.items():
            "It is now: {time:%H:%M} in {location}".format(
                time=datetime.fromtimestamp(t), location=location

# The Graph holds the nodes
graph = Graph(name="World Clock")
current_time = CurrentTime(graph=graph)
van = ConvertTime(name="Vancouver", timezone=-8, graph=graph)
ldn = ConvertTime(name="London", timezone=0, graph=graph)
muc = ConvertTime(name="Munich", timezone=1, graph=graph)
world_clock = ShowTimes(graph=graph)

# Connecting nodes can be done via the bit shift operator as well
van.outputs["converted_time"] >> world_clock.inputs["times"]["Vancouver"]
ldn.outputs["converted_time"] >> world_clock.inputs["times"]["London"]
muc.outputs["converted_time"] >> world_clock.inputs["times"]["Munich"]

# Display the graph
